This mini foldable booklet a great way to integrate global citizenship into your curriculum and a perfect fit for IB (International Baccalaureate) school districts!
There is ONE Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) featured in this resource.
** For ALL 17 Booklets at a discount, view our Bundle Product Called: Take Action Mini Foldable Booklet BUNDLE (All 17 SDGs/Global Goals) **
You can print in grayscale, or color (the colors in this resource match the official SDG colors).
You can purchase all 17 SDG Booklets for a discount here:
I created this resource because I felt like there should be more support for students on how they can take action towards not just a few, but ANY Global Goal they are interested in.
Each booklet was carefully created to include opportunities to learn about the goal, draw, spread the word, and take tangible action steps to help reach that goal. Enjoy!
This product is a non-editable, printable PDF
Learn more about the UN Global Goals by going to
Introduce the goals to your students by having them explore the UN Global Goals Virtual Classroom (in our store) or explore the UN Global Goals website.
Have kids use these mini action books along with the Action Page for the UN Global Goals to find what activists around the world are doing and join in.
Peace and Justice (SDG 16) Take Action Mini Foldable Booklet
No Refunds, but please contact mandie@trailblazingsciencesociety if there are any techcnical issues with the download.